
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Reflection on the Passion of Our Lord

Oh Jesus,

You humbled yourself to the point of death, death upon the cross. Yet, even as the thorns were fashioned into a crown, so the cross became your throne, upon which you became the Savior and King of the world. The nails became your scepter, with which you destroyed the power of sin and death, casting down him who had made himself prince of this world.

This prince, that ancient dragon who even now seeks to devour those who would be your subjects and disciples – what power does he have before you? Could you not have vanquished all your foes with a single word? You who could have summoned legions of angels to do battle for you – why did you choose thorns, cross and nails as your weapons instead?

You possessed everything, but you poured yourself out to the point of becoming as nothing. Through you, the universe was created, but you put yourself into the hands of mortal man. You would not even boast of the brilliance of this plan, for in all things your only concern was to do the will of the Father. You did not insist on your own methods, your own way, but instead prayed, “Not my will but yours be done.”

What then do you mean when you say to us, “If anyone would be my disciple, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me”?

To rejoice in doing the will of the Father as though it were better than possessing all the treasures of the world? To become as a servant to all? To put aside the pursuits of pride and seek humility? To pour out my life as an offering of love?

Oh Jesus, this is too great a thing for me! I cannot carry my cross – I am too weak and afraid. If I were to try to carry it on my own and make my own path with it, as soon as put it on my shoulder I would drop it and run away. I need you to come alongside me, behind and before me, and lay upon my shoulders that cross that you have fashioned for me, so that my burden might be light and easy, that I might learn from you and find eternal rest for my soul.